The poems I read were about nature, mostly the beach and the sea. I read "The Fish". It's About a fisherman who catches a prize fish that has gotten away at least four times before from other fishermen. In the end the fisherman lets the fish go. It was a greater victory to have caught such a great fish and then let it go, then to keep it and take it to shore.
I enjoyed his poetry. It was easy to read and understand. He wrote about the local daily life. I read "Madam and the Rent Man". The rent man comes to collect the rent, but the renter is not willing to pay because the problems that need to be fixed haven't been. They both agree in the end the neither is happy.
I enjoyed Whitman's poems. One of the poems I read was "Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night". It's about a father who stays with the body of his son on the battlefield overnight. You feel the emotions of the father as he watches "vigil" overnight.